

ENERPRO Solutions OÜ is private limited company what was founded in 2018. We are focusing on medium voltage and high voltage product sales in Baltic region. Our target is to be the best partner to our customers and great agent for our carefully selected high-quality suppliers. Based on our long experience in energy sector, we are able to support customers by choosing the best solutions for their needs.

MV/HV product sales

Representing leading high-quality suppliers in Baltic region.

Logistic solutions

Providing the best logistical solutions according to customerś expectations.

Customer support

24/7 customer support to answer all your urgent questions.

Medium voltage products

  • Arc Suppression coils
  • Dry type transformers
  • Capacitors
  • Distribution transformers
  • Post insulators
  • Isolated busbars
  • Neutral earthing resistors

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High voltage products

  • Power transformers
  • Surge arresters
  • Post insulators
  • Air core reactors
  • Capacitors
  • Substation connectors
  • Line accessories

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Mõisaküla 35/15 kV AJ

Mõisaküla 35/15 kV AJ

Ehitaja / Contractor: S-Power OÜ

Tarnisime Mõisaküla AJ EGE spol. 1612 kVA kaarekustutuspooliga kuhu oli integreeritud CI seade (current injection device). KKP kontroller kuulus samuti tarne mahtu.

We delivered EGE spol. 1612 kVA arc suppression coil with integrated current injection device. ASC controller was also part of this delivery.


Risti 110 kV AJ

Risti 110 kV AJ

Ehitaja/Contractor: Connecto Eesti AS

Risti AJ tarnemahtu kuulusid ENSTO 110 kV  liigpingepiirikud , 24kV, 52 kV ja 110 kV FCI tugiisolaatorid ja Al-latid.

We delivered to Risti substation project 110 kV ENSTO surge arresters, FCI Post insulators for all voltage levels (24 kV, 52 kV and 110 kV) and Al-busbars from Valganon.

Balti EJ – IPB torulatid

Balti EJ – IPB torulatid

Ehitaja/Contractor: ENEFIT Solutions AS

Balti elektrijaama sai tarnitud 166 meetrit EGE spol  24 kV isoleerlatte koos trafo ühendustega. Ehitustööd teostati EGE superviisori silme all ja kestisid ca. 1 kuu.

We delivered with EGE  166 m. of IPB (isolated phase bus ducts) to Balti power plant. Transformer connection units were also part of delivery.Works lasted one month and all the process was supervised by EGE.

Järvakandi AJ kondensaatorid

Järvakandi AJ kondensaatorid

Ehitaja/Contractor : EPCM Consulting OÜ

Järvakandi alajaamas vahetati olemasolevad kondensaatorpatareid Vishay keskpinge kondensaatorite vastu.

In the Järvakandi substation the existing MV capacitor units were replaced with Vishay medium voltage capacitors.

Sindi AJ Reaktorid

Sindi AJ Reaktorid

Ehitaja/Contractor: Merko Infra AS

Tarnisime Sindi AJ  2 komplekti  50 MVar šhunt reaktoreid Coil Innovationilt. Reaktorite lõplik paigaldus toimub selee aasta esimeses kvartalis.

We delivered 2 sets of 50 MVAr shunt rectors from Coil Innovations. The final installation take place first quarter of this year.

Avinurme AJ

Avinurme AJ

Ehitaja / Contractor: Merko Infra AS

Tarnisime Avinurme AJ EGE spol. 1212 kVA kaarekustutuspooliga kuhu oli integreeritud CI seade (current injection device). KKP kontroller kuulus samuti tarne mahtu.

We delivered to Avinurme SS EGE spol. 1212 kVA arc suppression coil with integrated current injection device. ASC controller was also part of this delivery.


Lauri Rebane

+372 520 4789